Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reasons why PUFFY EYES occur and 10 Ways to combat PUFFY EYES

Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes is a very common aggravation amongst men and women.  I am confident that everyone would just rather do without ever having them even once, however, unfortunately that will never happen.  You can't possibly feel good about yourself when your eyes appear swollen, red, puffy, and tired. In most cases there are ways you can combat puffy eyes and at the very least reduce their appearance.   The skin around the eyes is very thin and is full of very small blood vessels which make the delicate areas around the eyes, very sensitive and in most cases the result is red, irritated, puffy eyes.

Usually with puffy eyes, fluids get trapped in the tissues under the eyes. and this is usually most evident when you first awake, however, there are other reasons why you may have puffy eyes and it's important to make sure if it's just the usual everyday occurrence, or could it be a sign of a medical ailment or an allergic reaction of sorts, because it is very common symptom to have puffy eyes when you have sinus and allergy problems.

In cases where puffy eyes are severe and persistent or are accompanied by pain, discomfort, blurry vision, or other conditions, an optometrist should be contacted about the problem as this could indicate possible problems relating to your eye health.

The most common causes of puffy eyes vary,
here are a some of those listed below.

  • Heredity
  • Fluid retention
  • Hormone Levels
  • Allergies or dermatitis, especially if puffiness is accompanied by redness and itching.
  • Lack of a good night's sleep, stress factors and even crying.
  • Too much sodium, causing water retention.
  • Excessive or prolonged periods of drinking.

Here are some general symptoms of puffy eyes, listed below.  
  • Swelling around the eyes
  • Swollen, puffy eyelids
  • Itching eyes
  • Eye redness
  • Inability to close or open the eyes
Home remedies for puffy eyes.
  1. Take a metal spoon and run it under cold water. Place the metal on the puffy area for at least 45 metal  seconds.
  2. Apply hemorrhoid cream (look for creams which contain ingredients of yeast and shark's liver oil) to the puffy area. The ingredients in the cream can also reduce the puffiness around your eyes, and don't be embarrassed no one has to know, if you don't tell them.
  3. Thin cucumber slices used as compresses over closed eyes will relieve sore, puffy eyes.
  4. A black tea bag soaked in cold water on each eye for ten minutes will reduce swelling caused by fluid retention. Gently press from inner to outer corners..
  5. Limit your sodium intake by not consuming to many salty foods, which cause the under eye area (and the rest of your body) to hold fluids.
  6. Elevate your head when you sleep, this will help prevent fluid from settling around your eyes.
  7. Wash face with ice cold water
  8. Drink plenty of water to detoxify your system.
  9. For allergy related puffy eyes, find out the item causing the allergic reaction and minimize its use; doctors may also provide medication in the form of shots or prescription drugs
  10. Soothing Eye creams with aloe and Vitamin E can be applied to the eyes
  11. Using specific products designed to combat puffy eyes, which have special ingredients that reduce swelling, irritation and redness.
Here are a few products that I have found that you can keep in your medicine cabinet if you ever have a case of Puffy eyes you and you want to go the over the counter treatment route. These products are targeted specifically for puffy eyes.

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